Hanborough Action Group

We’re concerned about a plan by Blenheim and CEG to build 600 new houses in Long Hanborough.

Unveiled in May 2023, the proposal outlines a site at the east end of the village between Hanborough Park and ancient Pinsley Wood, running up behind Burleigh Court and down to Lower Road.


Hanborough Action Group believes it would have severe implications for the everyday functioning of the village, and irreversibly damage its cherished rural character.

We don’t oppose all new housing, but the sheer scale of what Blenheim and CEG are proposing is extremely alarming.

Long Hanborough has already seen unprecedented levels of housebuilding.

Its population increased by 35% in the decade to 2021. Three more developments already approved will add a further 540 residents. The proposal by Blenheim and CEG would mean another 1,440 residents on top of that, bringing Hanborough’s population to more than double that of 2011.

Hanborough risks becoming a town without the infrastructure of one. Residents are fed up and exhausted from fighting to protect the integrity and cohesion of the village they’ve chosen to live in.

Each figure represents 100 people

And the natural environment is particularly at risk.

The proposal would develop greenfield land, next to ancient woodland and home to significant biodiversity and wildlife including badgers, deer and bats.

Sign our petition

You might have already signed this online petition or our paper petition which volunteers took door-to-door around Hanborough — and which has now been delivered in person to WODC.

Otherwise, please sign our official ongoing petition via Google Forms:

Sign our petition →

Results from the three will be combined and deduplicated, and made available to relevant parties on request.

Learn more

Our area has oversubscribed schools and health services, congested road and rail links, and valuable biodiversity that would be threatened by another large housing development.

Read more about the problems with the proposal →

Thank you

Our initial objective was to prevent the land being included in the Local Plan 2041. We’d like to thank everyone who sent comments to West Oxfordshire District Council during the consultation period, which ended in October 2023.

Contact Hanborough Action Group

Email: hanboroughactiongroup2@gmail.com